When does someone become exposed or falls victim to stigma?
While there might not be a set time or reason that stigma might occur, there
are ways to prevent it. A study I found is all about the prevention of stigma
of those with intellectual disabilities by teaching inclusion at a young age.
Childhood is when we learn most of our basic knowledge that we apply to more
complex situations or objects as adults. It seems like a no-brainer to teach
children why others might be different than them early on then. For some
reason, schools don’t teach children about intellectual disabilities until
about seventh or eighth grade. This is too late for most kids because by that
time, they have been around someone with an intellectual disability already and
most likely have their own opinions about them. These opinions could be easily
influenced by the way a child interprets their interaction with a peer with
study, Young Children’s Attitudes Toward Peers with Intellectual Disabilities:
Effect of the Type of School is a helpful article for everyone to understand. The
purpose of this study is to look at the attitudes of peers towards those with
intellectual disabilities and if the school they attend influence these
attitudes. In the two schools I went to, some of the disabled kids would be in
my classes with an aid there to help them but usually, they were in a different
classroom all together. The way this study did their research was by having
kids complete a questionnaire and an adjective list and also draw a child with
intellectual disabilities along with comments on their own drawings. By doing
this, it gave a lot of room for the children to really show their thoughts and
views of their peers with disabilities. They found that attitudes tended to be
neutral and that the inclusive school kids had even more positive things to say
about those with intellectual disabilities. I think that there should be more
education at a younger age about what disabilities are, both physical and
intellectual. This can help prevent future stigma since a lot of stigmas stem
from misunderstandings and lack of experience. I highly suggest looking into
this study to everyone, because stigma can be prevented.